Lady Dollars


AAUW fights to promote equity and education for women and girls. A pillar of that fight is equal pay. Lady Dollars shows the harm of the gender pay gap on a practical level. In addition to the Chrome Extension, which adds 20% to product prices, the campaign website provides information, resources, and a video, all designed to educate and encourage action to close the gender pay gap. The extension will be updated throughout the year to reflect every Equal Pay Day.

This professional campaign titled 'Lady Dollars' was published in United States in April, 2017. It was created for the brand: AAUW, . This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest, NGO industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 6 years ago.


Creative Director: Matt Rand
Senior Art Director: Catherine A. Trevino
Art Director: Shannon Murphy
Copywriter: Laura Messer Jackson
Developer: Abhilash Shamsunder
Video: Leonard Rader
Audio: Genevieve Baker, Carter Pagel


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